Account Board

Modified on 2016/10/12 09:23 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The Account Board displays account details for all the accounts that you have access to. The most common columns are visible by default. Each account listed will have a name, number, total P&L, total cash, and status. Your account will also break down P&L by providing individual market positions. Each position will display the market, net position, and P&L. Combining the P&L for all the positions will equal the account total P&L. Many additional Columns are available in Account Board Properties.

During trading your account status may change due to risk management. If your status becomes “blocked” it means that risk management is actively blocking your account from trading so that you can only trade out of your open positions. Filtered views of your accounts are provided by the View Tabs at the top of the screen. Simply click the view you desire and Account Board will display the appropriate accounts. The default, All view, is an unfiltered view showing you all accounts that are available to you.

The Account Board also allows you to print the contents of a view, quickly change the Currently Trading Account and open account specific Order Books.

To open a new Account Board, Click Account Board from the Main window’s New Item Menu.


  1. Properties Brings up the properties for the Account Board
  2. Print Allows you to Print, save to clipboard, or copy the account board to excel.
  3. DDE Link Copies the account board into an excel spreadsheet.
  4. Firm Drop Down Filter account board by firm.
  5. Search Search for an account by name.
  6. View Tabs View various account boards.
  7. Columns Columns to display on the Account Board. Many more columns are available and can be added in the Account Board Properties, Columns tab.